
Waste Paper

Waste paper is one of the representative recyclable resources. As a common image, the market is well developed and many companies have already been engaged in it. However, with the development of overseas markets, such as China and Thailand, there are still full enough opportunities to start dealing with specialty papers, like thermal paper and gold/silver base paper.

General waste paper

Old Newspaper
Old Newspapers and papers from families, companies and government offices

Old Magazine
Old Magazines, books and the papers of returned books

Old Corrugated Carton
Old corrugated cartons from corrugated carton and paper factories

High-quality waste paper

White Shavings
Old papers of unprinted high-quality papers from bookbinding and printing factories

Simili Paper
Ink printed high-quality old papers

Office Paper
Old papers including used copy papers, ink or color printed papers mainly from offices


Gold/Silver Base Paper

Milk Package

Paper roll

Punch Scrap


Roll Paper Residue